Synergy Coaching

Coaching football with intelligence
Developing rapid and correct decision-making in footballers

What is Synergy coaching?

Synergy coaching is a new method of coaching invented by Precision Soccer Academy. It is the combination of mental concentration and skills, technique, and understanding. This method addresses the lack of emphasis placed on mental concentration in practical coaching sessions.

This coaching approach removes the gap between the mental, skill, and physical aspects of the game. It creates the perfect player, a player who is capable of making the correct split-second decision that results in maximum productivity.

Synergy coaching addresses why many footballers at the highest level make so many basic errors in their decision-making.Synergy coaching

Instead of shooting, they pass…
Instead of passing, they shoot…
Instead of dribbling, they pass or shoot…

These errors, which often seem obvious and clear in the eyes of the spectator, often are the compounding reason why teams lose.

The coaching methodologies used today fail to integrate the use of the mind with the coaching of skill and tactics – thus leaving an immense gap between the mental and skill aspect of the game.

Synergy coaching is the brainchild of Zia Ishaq, a former World Cup coach. His 16-year research encompassing 5 World Cups has resulted in developing a coaching methodology that integrates coaching the mind with coaching all aspects of the game.


Why Synergy coaching?

Synergy coaching’s development came after analysis of the highest playing level in the world. Over 100 matches were chosen from all World Cups between 1990 and 2010.

The analysis discovered that 89% of decision making was incorrect. For example, instead of shooting, the player was passing, dribbling or controlling the ball. This resulted in the scoring opportunity lost due to the lack of mental concentration.Chart

For example, a player can have perfect skills in ball control, passing, dribbling and shooting. However, if the technique has not been coached to the level where the player applies the correct skill at the correct time, then his game play will result in a negative outcome.

Further analysis also conducted in the defending third of the field show that player’s reactions slowed due to the lack of mental concentration.

In World Cups held between 1990 to 2010, the percentage of direct and indirect kicks increased by 15%. In 1990, the percentage of total direct and indirect kicks was 40%, which gradually increased to 55% by 2010.

The cause for the increase is due to the lack of coaching the players received as individuals in defending in combination with mental concentration. For example, the inability to be patient or to not sell yourself are the primary causes of all direct and indirect kicks, which also result in yellow and red cards.

Productivity is an extremely vital aspect of the game. It consists of studying each player’s productivity, then maximising the outcome of the team through the training session.

The research discovered neglect of mental concentration from the earliest stages of training, when the basic aspects of the game are coached.


At all levels in the game, across all coaching methodologies, there is neglect of mental concentration in practical coaching sessions.

Precision Soccer Academy trialed new Synergy coaching methods in Australia on a select variety of players in different age groups. During these trials, player’s reactions in games vastly improved. The players demonstrated that they understood when and how to make the correct decisions at the correct time.

Synergy coaching is now an essential part of the academy’s coaching methodology. Player’s intelligence and mental concentration developed in synergy with their skills, creating a complete footballer.

Synergy coaching methods

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