Private Coaching

Private coaching is recommended for those who would like a personal, highly concentrated training program. There are 5 different programs, each targeting a key aspect of the game.

> Ball control program <

The ball control program develops efficiency in first touch. There are 37 types of ball control techniques, with and without pressure, and their application in different parts of the football field. The program excels in developing the following attributes.

Tick Excellent vision
Tick Creating space
Tick Efficiency in passing ability
Tick Development of quick ball control, creating/making correct decisions

> Passing program <

The passing program focuses on coaching 27 types of passing techniques, which will enable the player to pass the ball with high efficiency. Players with these 27 passing techniques are proficient at playing one touch, two touch, three touch and miscellaneous touch. The program develops the following.

Tick Ability to play 180 and 360 degrees
Tick Excellent distribution and vision
Tick Unpredictability, using reverse passing
Tick Enhancement of mobility

> Footwork and dribbling program <

The program is geared toward making a player creative in the attacking third when he has no support, enabling him to excel in one-one situations and in congested areas. Our coaching is in all 97 types of dribbling.

Tick Penetration as an individual
Tick Ability to create shooting opportunities
Tick Putting the opposition out of the game
Tick Winning set plays

> Shooting program <

The program creates players who are able to score goals in the attacking third from different angles, do it under pressure, and discern when to shoot and when not to shoot. The program focuses on:

Tick Shooting from 10 angles
Tick Quick shots in the penalty area
Tick Shooting from outside the box
Tick Window, box and set-play shooting

> Defending program <

The defending program creates players who win the ball back through individual defending technique. The program develops players that understand when to tackle, why to tackle and how to tackle. The effective outcome of the program is to stop players from giving set plays and obtaining cards. Key benefits of the program are:

Tick Defending technique
Tick Forcing the opposition to play predictable football
Tick Winning the ball back
Tick Mental concentration in defending decisions

> Mental and physical fitness program <

All aspects of the game cannot be performed at the highest productivity without mental and physical fitness synchronised. This program concentrates on building quick reactions and correct decision-making under pressure in order to to create an intelligent footballer. An intelligent footballer excels in these areas:

Tick First to the ball
Tick Blind-side defence and attack
Tick Marking man and space
Tick Unpredictable attack

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