Ball control program

Ball control is a vitally important aspect of the game. Football matches are won by exploiting space before the opponent can exploit that space, but space must first be created. Space is created either by an individual player or by co-ordinated team play. It can also be given away by the opposition’s mistakes.

A player whose ball control is poor needs more space to control the ball than a player whose control is good. It is logical therefore to start with ball control when considering the matter of creating space at the individual performance level.

To achieve good ball control, a player must understand the principles of ball control and then practise them.

The ball control program contains 12 stages, which include 37 types of ball control with both the right and left foot. Stage one of the program will be without opposition, so players can learn to grasp these methods of ball control.

Stage two of the program consists of using the methods learned in a restricted area, varying according to the player’s ability. For example, we play with a box of 5 x 5 square yards, then reduced to 2.5 x 2.5 square yards, first without opposition, and then with opposition to put pressure on the player who is practising ball control. The program then progresses to small-sided games, gradually increasing 11v11 games.

Using new and revolutionary Synergy coaching methods, we also integrate the mind into the training sessions so there will be an equilibrium between the mind and a player’s skills. This means that players will select the correct method of ball control at the correct time.

Ball control program

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